
How do biologists, chemists, economists, engineers and physicists understand and use calculus concepts in their disciplines? And what does that imply for the teaching and learning calculus in their disciplines? This conference seeks to explore these complex questions by bringing specialists from these disciplines together with mathematics educators. The conference will be designed to provide:

  • Plenary sessions focusing on the five disciplines
  • Parallel sessions with research paper presentations
  • Inter & intra-disciplinary discussion groups


This conference is supported by MatRIC, the Centre for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching. MatRIC is a Centre for Excellence in Higher Education based at the University in Agder, Norway, and its financial support means that services and hospitality towards the conference will be provided without the need to charge a conference fee.

The conference will take place at the University of Bergen and we welcome all to five days of interesting topics and discussions. 

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